Welcome home, we’ve missed you!
Whether it is to come by one of the campuses to catch up with a favourite teacher, going to the tuck-shop to get that treat that you’ve missed, participate in talks or workshops, work on your networking or just reconnect with old friends, St. Nicks always has its doors open to you.
The St. Nicks Alumni Association would like to create a space for you to come back to and remind yourself of how important you are to us. Once a St. Nicks family member, forever a part of the St. Nicks family!
Please complete the adjacent registration form to register as part of the Alumni Association. By joining our mailing list you will receive news on the school’s development, invitations to future events, as well as invites to alumni-specific projects.
We are always proud and happy to hear from you and love receiving updates about your lives now and memories of your time at school.
You make St. Nicholas Special!
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The Best Memories
Life is made up of moments and memories you helped to compose.
Listen to what amazing memories our alumni shared with us
If you are an alumni too, we would like to listen to you! Please send your testimony video for: design@stnicholas.com.br