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Holistic education: what it is and its importance in shaping global citizens

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In a constantly changing world, where each child is unique in their interests, talents, and learning pace, education faces the challenge of offering something beyond traditional academic knowledge. 

Holistic education is the answer to this challenge, aiming to cultivate the intellect and students’ emotional, physical, and social aspects. This article dives into the concept of holistic education, exploring how this approach can transform the classroom into a space for integral growth, preparing students to be global citizens, conscious, and able to face the challenges of this century. 

What is holistic education?

Holistic education is an approach that aims to complete and balance human development, considering its cognitive, emotional, physical, and social dimensions. 

Unlike educational styles that focus exclusively on academic performance, holistic education acknowledges that learning is a multidimensional process, that must encompass all facets of the student’s life.

This approach suggests that education should not be only the transmission of knowledge, but a way to cultivate values, social and emotional skills, and a global consciousness. In holistic education, the student is seen as a whole being, whose full development can only be accomplished when all their needs are met. 

What is the importance of holistic education?

Holistic education is extremely important in current educational contexts, for it prepares students to become global citizens with technical knowledge but are also apt to deal with the social and emotional complexities of the modern world. 

In a globalized environment, where interactions transcend cultural and geographical barriers, understanding and respecting different perspectives is essential.

Furthermore, holistic education promotes learning that is aligned with the demands of the 21st century, such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. These are imperative attributes for individuals who will navigate careers and personal lives in a world increasingly interconnected and interdependent. 

Another relevant aspect of holistic education is its focus on students’ mental health and well-being. By considering the emotional and social dimensions, this approach contributes to shaping individuals who are more balanced and able to face life challenges with resilience and empathy. 

How does holistic education learning work?

Learning in holistic education is structured to integrate academic knowledge with student’s personal and social development. This is done by teaching methods that foster reflection, self-expression, and collaboration. 

Rather than relying exclusively on standardized tests and memorization of content, holistic education values ​​the learning experience as a whole, which includes practical activities, interdisciplinary projects, group discussions, meditation, arts, and sports, which together promote the integral development of the student.

This approach also fosters self-evaluation and metacognition, allowing students to reflect upon their own learning process, and identify their strengths and areas to improve. This practice not only strengthens self-knowledge but also promotes autonomy and responsibility for their learning. 

5 benefits of holistic education for the educational process

Holistic education offers numerous benefits both for the educational process and for the student’s development. Some of the main benefits include: 

1. Integral development

Holistic education promotes the integral development of the student, meeting their cognitive, emotional, physical, and social needs. That results in more balanced individuals, who are prepared for the challenges of life. 

2. Improved mental health and well-being

By considering the emotional and social well-being of students, holistic education contributes to the prevention of problems such as anxiety and stress, that are becoming more common in school environments. 

3. Strengthening social and emotional skills

Through activities that encourage collaboration, empathy, and communication, holistic education expands social and emotional skills that are essential for life in society.

4. Encouraging creativity and critical thinking

The emphasis on teaching methods that value reflection and self-expression fosters creativity and critical thinking, crucial skills for the 21st century. 

5. Preparation for global citizenship

Holistic education prepares students to become conscious global citizens, capable of understanding and respecting different cultures and perspectives. 

How does holistic education shape global citizens?

Holistic education promotes this ability by encouraging a deep understanding of self and others, as well as cultural diversity appreciation. Through an approach that values interdependence and collective responsibility, students are prepared to act ethically and consciously in a global scene. 

Thus, by developing a global mindset, students learn to think beyond their immediate realities and consider the impact of their actions on the world at large.

8 tips to use holistic education with students

For educators who wish to implement holistic education in their educational practices, here are a few practical tips: 

1. Incorporate reflection and self-assessment

Encourage students to reflect upon their learning process, and to self-evaluate regularly. This promotes self-knowledge and autonomy. 

2. Promote interdisciplinary activities

Develop projects that integrate different subjects, allowing students to make connections between different areas of knowledge. 

3. Value creative expression

Add art, music, and theatre to the curriculum, giving students opportunities to express their emotions and creativity. 

4. Focus on mental health

Integrate meditation practices and relaxing moments in the school environment to promote students’ well-being. 

5. Encourage collaboration and empathy

Offer group activities that foster cooperation and peaceful resolution of conflict. 

6. Include environmental education

Teach about sustainability and environmental responsibility, preparing students to face global challenges. 

7. Create an inclusive learning environment

Make sure all students, regardless of their skills or background, have equal opportunities to participate and develop. 

8. Use formative assessments

Instead of focusing on standardized tests, use evaluations that engage continuous growth and learning throughout the process. 


Holistic education is an approach that prepares students not only for academic success but for life as a whole.

At. St. Nicholas, education goes beyond the classroom. We value self-evaluation as a powerful tool in the learning process, shaping autonomous, critical, and responsible students. 

Schedule a visit to learn more about St. Nicholas’ innovative pedagogical practices and educational approach that encourages students’ integral development. Join our community and experience a transformative education aligned with the demands of the 21st century!

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  • St Nicholas

    St. Nicholas School is an international school whose goal is to prepare every child for their own success. Through the IB curriculum, we spark a passion for learning and encourage children to be curious, inquisitive and critical thinkers. Our students are equipped with interpersonal skills and an international mindset, which allows them to promote significant transformations in the world.
    Schedule a visit to our campuses (Alphaville and Pinheiros), and discover the scene of a truly international education, which provides freedom, expression, autonomy and cultural exchange.


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