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International School: What is it and what are its differentials

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With globalization increasingly deep and rooted, new challenges and peculiarities arise all the time regarding the best education for children and adolescents around the world.

As a result, parents and guardians end up having a range of doubts about the best education for their children, as well as the best form of the education system to adopt.

Do you know what an international school is and what are its main differentials?

The international school has become a reference for parents who not only care about their children’s learning but above all, value the human skills they must develop.

The fact of how education can change and form worthy citizens of the world is a constant concern for parents who want to be sure that they are leading their children in the best way.

Amid a whirlwind of innovations in the field of education, the international school has become more and more prominent.

Its innovative, precise and mainly globalized way has been gaining supporters every day and they see in the model an incredible reference of the best training for their children.

In an increasingly intolerant world, the international school aims to naturally create in students the insertion of values such as respect for difference, self-critical sense, and the ability to improve the world with egalitarian and progressive ideas.

Therefore, the international school is an alternative and the answer that the world is currently looking for, as the hybrid and common teaching methods around the world have become obsolete and repetitive in much of the planet.

What is the International School?

The international school is a differentiated school where teaching is globalized and diversified.

In the international school, we have a vast universe of teachers, students, and managers of different ethnicities and speakers of a diversity of languages; all to interact with each other and develop an education that makes it possible to live anywhere in the world.

This purpose is assertive because it values all the necessary context for students to learn from an early age fundamental values that the world needs today and will need in the coming decades.

A model that mixes students and teachers with different mother tongues, coming from other cultural practices.

At the international school, students learn and apply the idea of a plurality of life from an early age.

Thus, they realize that it is natural to speak other languages, to eat differently, to have other ideas and thoughts, and that being in a different world contributes a lot to make each one’s life experience amazing and visionary.

The linguistic and cultural diversity present in the international school starts with the form of communication. Teaching is offered through a global language of interest to each society.

It is usually English, but it can also be Spanish, Mandarin, or French because they are the most globalized and integrated languages of world society. In addition to having a much larger number of speakers in the world.

In this way, the education offered to students by the international school aims to prepare them for admission to prestigious international universities.

After all, these universities have as their principle the development of skills and professions that promote greater integration and cooperation between the world, to promote cooperation and development of peoples.

How does an International School work?

In the international school, the student has the possibility of receiving the IB (International Baccalaureate), the international diploma that is accepted by more than a hundred countries in the world.

International school teaching aims to transform students into world protagonists, with deep learning, with the development of unique curricula with diverse skills from childhood onwards.

They also promote the development of skills and competencies necessary for the areas they intend to follow, in addition to transforming them into people with excellent communication, critical-reflective sense, and presenting necessary solutions such as the idea of equality and sustainability.

Thus, the student of the international school at the end of high school receives in addition to the diploma recognized by the MEC, the international diploma IB that facilitates the lives of those who choose to pursue careers in international universities in more than 100 countries.

Even prestigious and renowned Brazilian universities are increasingly opting to have students with the IB as an alternative for admission to their institutions instead of the common entrance exam.

Differentials of an International School

See below the advantages of an international school for your child’s schooling:

1. Innovative Method

      The international school uses a unique and highly innovative method in the pedagogical area.

      This method aims to bring together the best attribute of each student and each citizen of the world, to develop and improve it with perfection throughout the student’s trajectory, from kindergarten to high school.

      The method is applied and spread more and more every day in several countries of the world. Visionary and precise, he intends to make each student leave high school prepared for all the challenges of university and adult life, allied to the development of values of multiple particularities.

      2. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

        Students learn the most important languages in today’s globalized world. In addition to understanding from an early age the meaning of multiculturalism and its benefits for an entire society in building a better world.

        They establish contact with people from different cultures, knowing not only the language spoken in other countries but also different social practices.

        3. Global Mindset

          Students have an apprenticeship aimed at the development of skills in the world field, in addition to having access to knowledge of the areas necessary for the coming years, such as scientific research and technology, and biotechnology.

          4. Differentiated Teaching

            Teaching and learning are developed innovatively. Teachers develop layouts and organizational charts that facilitate student learning and thus create a more assertive and competent method of learning, generating student autonomy and thus developing responsibility for their learning.

            5. Teamwork

            Teamwork is widely used in international schools.

            This is because it helps in the exchange of information between students and teachers, in addition to enabling the development of skills, such as argumentative capacity, as well as inclusion, from the potential acceptance of the ideas of all those involved in the group construction, of something greater. in the process, generating greater results.

            6. Multiple Didactic and Technological Resources

              The international school provides a series of innovative teaching resources allied to technology so that students have an affinity with modern and effective methods that optimize the learning process that is still outdated in much of the world.

              7. Possibility to learn new languages

                Thus, foreign students can learn and adapt to the Portuguese language, as well as Brazilian or Portuguese students have a healthy alternative to learn and communicate in other languages.

                8. Teaching focused on the interests of today’s society.

                In this way, students are integrated into the contexts and challenges of today’s world.

                Conversation circles and debates on important issues, such as sustainability, respect for others, and technological advancement are part of the routine of students at the international school, thus creating a critical and reflective sense of social experience and the opportunities that await them.

                9. IB and its importance in the academic training of students

                  The IB, which is also known as the international diploma, is a curriculum respected and valued in all countries and continents.

                  It is highly regarded and used by universities around the world.

                  The IB curriculum relies on a process and skills development that are increasingly needed and sought after by international higher education institutions.

                  Among these skills, we can mention some necessary for the formation of a human being:

                  • Questioner
                  • Investigator
                  • Autonomous
                  • Reflective
                  • With leadership skills
                  • Builder of innovative personal and social processes
                  • Prone to teamwork
                  • Intellectually developed

                  The IB is a very important ally in the training of students and students at the international school.

                  This document proves that the student has already gone through a process of cultural and linguistic exchange, still in the primary and secondary stages of education, and this exchange is very precise for the development and better results of university students.

                  In this way, universities become places with an egalitarian and globalized space, where all the citizens of the world have their development and the presence of individuals who are committed to building a better world.

                  Are you thinking about choosing a school with International Teaching proposals for your child?

                  Come and discover the International St. Nicholas School!

                  We are committed to each student’s personal story, making each story unique and contributing to your child’s individual experience and personal growth. 

                  The college aims to offer students the development of values and principles necessary for life, such as respect, self-confidence, plurality, responsibility, and leadership.

                  Bring your child to build a humanitarian and globalized curriculum, prioritizing the study of another language in line with international teaching standards.

                  Find at St. Nicholas School the best private school in São Paulo, an international teaching proposal focused on your child’s individual development. 

                  The study of a new language and principles for life.

                  Click here to get your child admitted to St. Nicholas School right now!


                  • St Nicholas

                    St. Nicholas School is an international school whose goal is to prepare every child for their own success. Through the IB curriculum, we spark a passion for learning and encourage children to be curious, inquisitive and critical thinkers. Our students are equipped with interpersonal skills and an international mindset, which allows them to promote significant transformations in the world.
                    Schedule a visit to our campuses (Alphaville and Pinheiros), and discover the scene of a truly international education, which provides freedom, expression, autonomy and cultural exchange.


                  Exclusive channel for parents interested in getting to know the school.