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Learning is an

Organic Process and Happens Everywhere

Life Skills Trips

It gives them the

opportunity to take part

in real life situations of

their own choosing.

Students from Grade 3 to Year 10 participate in one residential Life Skills trip each year. The primary purpose of these trips is to develop the students’ life and social skills. Learners have the opportunities to approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles. Accompanying school staff, along with guides from a leading company in outdoor activities, assess the students on how they approach collaboration, commitment, cooperation, independence and respect. Students who excel in each of these aspects are then commended. All participating learners receive a Life Skills Certificate.

Life Skills trips range from exploring underground cave systems in PETAR (Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira); hiking and rappelling in Itatiaia; hiking and canoeing in Saco do Mamanguá, Paraty; rock climbing and rappelling in Pedra do Baú, Campos do Jordão.

Prior to each trip, learners take part in introductory sessions and organise tent, cooking and cleaning groups. These trips place emphasis on a healthy diet as well as on students enjoying an outdoor environment without the additions of modern electrical equipment.

Learners return from these trips with a great sense of achievement as well as having had the opportunity to strengthen relationships in their year groups.


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