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Organic Process and Happens Everywhere


Sport is highly valued as St. Nicholas School. Students are taught technical and motor skills within the timetabled curriculum as well as in their chosen sporting ECAs. They have the opportunities to train for school teams and represent their school in tournaments and fixtures with other schools. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in non-representative sports that offer recreational and competitive opportunities.

The aims and objectives of sport at St. Nicholas are to develop each student’s interpersonal skills, attitudes and attributes in relation to the IB learner profile. Sport at St. Nicholas also enables learners to proactively develop their leadership skills, as well as providing them a safe and guided environment to practise managing their emotions; to encourage teamwork and sportsmanship and to foster interpersonal respect.

Events organised by the Physical Education (PE) Department are a key feature of the school calendar. The primary purpose is to contribute towards the mission of the school by providing a range of sporting experiences geared towards developing each learner’s unique potential, increasing participation and strengthening our sense of community through collaboration.

Physical Education Fun Day

The P.E Fun Day is an opportunity to the families to take part in many fun activities, spending valuable time playing and learning. While making kites, challenging each other in creative activities, playing in our mud kitchen, learning capoeira or playing basketball, our community has the opportunity to explore learning in different contexts, expand their physical boundaries and connect with other families and teachers. It is a precious moment for our community to experience a true sense of belonging!

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Physical Education Fun Day

The P.E Fun Day is an opportunity to the families to take part in many fun activities, spending valuable time playing and learning. While making kites, challenging each other in creative activities, playing in our mud kitchen, learning capoeira or playing basketball, our community has the opportunity to explore learning in different contexts, expand their physical boundaries and connect with other families and teachers. It is a precious moment for our community to experience a true sense of belonging!

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Inter-House Festival

The Inter-House Festival is a traditional sporting event, expected and celebrated year after year in St. Nicholas. It aims to promote House Spirit, in a friendly atmosphere of competition and participation. Students and teachers, boys and girls, younger and older, all work together towards a common goal. There are four competitions per category and the rules allow all children to participate in all games.

It is a unique opportunity for all students from Grade 2 to Year 10 to live together to compete and experience the various sports, developing independence, initiative and responsibility, in a unique and different experience.

In addition to sports games, other events create a fun environment and unforgettable moments, such as themed dinners, the traditional pajama breakfast, free hours at the pool, parties and much more.

Team-work, union, participation, competition, dispute, victories, defeats, emotion, cheering, overcoming, coexistence, friendship, collaboration, tiredness, laughter, fun, are a few words that can describe the spirit of the Inter-House Festival.


Primary and Secondary pupils are encouraged to enjoy the school’s sporting extra-curricular programme to continually develop their skills under the guidance of teachers and experienced coaches. Secondary pupils can choose futsal, football and basketball as a team option, while Primary may select futsal.

Teams evolve to enable pupils to fulfil their potential. The school enters a number of fixtures and tournaments each year, ranging from playing numerous friendly matches, competing in inter school tournaments and local leagues. We have Primary Boys Futsal & Football; Primary Girls Futsal & Football; U16 Boys Football, Futsal & Basketball; U16 Girls Football, Futsal, Basketball & Volleyball; U18 Boys Football, Futsal & Basketball and U18 Girls Football & Basketball.


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