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Learning is an

Organic Process and Happens Everywhere


Events are an essential part of our school and they happen here almost every day.

Stay tuned for upcoming events.

Alphaville Campus

Pinheiros Campus

We invite you to get to know and delve a little deeper into the most important events in our vibrant and warm community.

International Day

We love learning and celebrating different cultures in St. Nicholas! Therefore, curiosity and learning about the traditions of different countries is always present in our student’s daily life.

International Day at St. Nicholas is an unforgettable experience! It is an event to celebrate all the cultural diversity that is characteristic of our school, when our school community comes together to create a cultural journey across countries and their cultures, offering a variety of tastes, colours, and activities. Our guests can enjoy traditional dishes while learning about different parts of the planet and the unique features that make them special.

Together and mixed

Alone, we are just one.

Someone, somehow unique.

Hand-in-hand, however,

we are everyone:

Mixed, different, united.

Together, we are uniquely better.

All the money raised goes to support PTA projects and is donated to the school’s partner institutions.


Model United Nations is a simulation of the councils in the United Nations that allows students of all ages to interact with the reality of our world and critically reflect on different perspectives and issues that surround our society.

Led by Y10 and Y11 students, the conference welcome participants from many schools from around Brasil.

It is an opportunity to see delegates developing open-mindedness, negotiation and public speaking while interacting with other students. The event is about developing real-life skills and networks that will serve students in the future.

Made in Brasil

To celebrate the language and culture of our host country, each year the Portuguese Department at St. Nicholas organises “Made in Brasil”, a Portuguese-language literary celebration, dedicated each year to an important figure in Brazilian literary history.

CSP 3082

Made in Brasil

To celebrate the language and culture of our host country, each year the Portuguese Department at St. Nicholas organises “Made in Brasil”, a Portuguese-language literary celebration, dedicated each year to an important figure in Brazilian literary history.

CSP 3082

All community members are invited to participate in this celebration by writing a poem or short story in Portuguese. From these, the judging committee selects a series of texts that best represent each category (Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Staff, Parents) to be published in an anthology, which is released at the end of the first semester, accompanied by an awarding ceremony attended by the community.

Each published author receives a copy of the book free of charge. Additional copies of the anthology are then made available to purchase, with all proceeds then being used to purchase fiction and textbooks in a public school library in the community of Paraisópolis.

There, the Portuguese teachers from St. Nicholas organise a local version of “Made in Brasil” and one text of Paraisópolis children is published in the anthology, to represent this community.

We are proud that the community celebration that is “Made in Brasil” has been recognised internationally as the subject of an article published in “IB Magazine”.

Stay tuned, “Made in Brasil” happens every first term of the academy year at St. Nicholas School Pinheiros and every second term at St. Nicholas School Alphaville.

Festa Junina

One of the most anticipated moments of the year is the June Festivals! For many of our students and staff, it is their first encounter with this lively and quintessentially Brazilian celebration, full of typical flavours, music, and lots of fun.

There are Japanese folks in hats and moustaches, English ladies in flowery dresses with braids in their hair, Greeks dancing with Italians, and Argentines sending love letters to Americans!

Also Indians loving the ‘Pé de Moleque’, Africans getting into the popcorn while Germans experiments with ‘Paçoca’.

This is how we celebrate Brazilian culture, roots, and joy for life.


Exclusive channel for parents interested in getting to know the school.