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Childhood musicality

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Musicalization in early childhood is a strong stimulus for the development of cognitive and motor functions, in addition to favouring the affective, social, and self-knowledge aspects. 

Hearing is the first sense to be developed, according to experts, around the 21st week (fifth month) of pregnancy, the foetus hears and distinguishes the mother’s voice.

Shortly before the 24th week, he already reacts to more familiar sound stimuli, such as situations in the mother’s routine. 

This information makes us realize that the first access to the world is made through listening and much is built through it. 

Music is present throughout childhood and governs the development of verbal and non-verbal language; the song gains meaning when it is appreciated, when we recognize its intentions, whether through the rhythm, movement or emotion it instigates. 

Musicality helps all of us in an immeasurable way and, for children, in addition to the emotional manifestations of joy and games, it involves the development of vocabulary and improvement of the diction of words as a musical contribution in this process of development. 

Musicalization takes place through several aspects that make up the daily lives of children, among them, we can mention practices such as playing, dancing, exploring, experimenting, creating, and enjoying. An important reminder is that musicalization always offers enriching experiences for children’s learning, promoting the acquisition of knowledge and not just entertainment. 

In addition, these aspects are highlighted not only by the harmony and melody that make up the musicality but as a way of listening and learning about customs, traditions, historical and geographical contexts, establishing connections and questions about other cultures and countries around the world.

Through the personal and social challenges managed by musicalization that includes transdisciplinary knowledge, the child has the opportunity to develop within the profile of the IB student, grounding his actions and values in essential attributes to be a citizen of the world. 

By developing a collaborative experience in music-making contexts, involving aspects such as playing, singing, or playing in circles, the student establishes a purpose about what he wants to learn, developing a sense of responsibility and solidarity through joint action.

Thus, the school is an environment of contact with multiple languages, and musicality in childhood is an important part of the child’s development process.

Come and visit St. Nicholas School, the best private kindergarten in São Paulo with an international teaching proposal focused on a global education, concerned with offering a humanized curriculum with multicultural experiences for your child’s performance. 

Click here to enrol your child now!



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