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Safeguarding & Policies

Our Policies

All policies at St. Nicholas are regularly reviewed and reflected upon to ensure they are in accordance with the most up to date information on Brazilian laws, international agreements and school context.

LGPD - Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados

Política de Privacidade e de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e Sensíveis

Baseado nos valores éticos relacionados ao respeito à privacidade dos Titulares, transparência e cumprimento à lei, e plenamente consciente da importância das regras sobre a proteção de Dados Pessoais e os riscos envolvidos em eventual violação de Dados, a St Nicholas assume o dever de proteção a esses temas.

Política publicada em 14 de abril de 2021 • Read the full document.

LGPD - Uso de Cookies e Proteção de Dados

Os Cookies são arquivos que armazenam temporariamente algumas informações básicas que você acessa em nossas plataformas digitais e servem para aprimorar a experiência do usuário • Read the full document.

Positive Behaviour Policy

This policy is designed to provide principles for teaching learner behaviour. Given the wide range of development in the school and the individual nature of learners, it is not intended to give specific procedures, but rather guidelines for creating a learning environment that fosters safe social, emotional, and ethical development. Approaches to teaching behaviour must promote the development of positive self-esteem, autonomy, self-awareness, respect, resilience and a sense of efficacy. • Read the full document.

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy

At St. Nicholas we believe that students learn best when they feel safe and secure. The school has the responsibility to promote and protect the safety and wellbeing of all members of its community and this policy will establish the ways in which school ensures that the learning environment remains a safe place for everyone • Read the full document.

Online Safety & Safeguarding Policy

St Nicholas School recognizes the vital importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in today’s education. It is a valuable tool and the key to information access, cultural exchange, interactive communication, and global collaboration. It supports meaningful inquiry, promotes authentic learning, and empowers learners with skills which are essential for digital literacy and digital citizenship. It is essential that our community is aware of protocols for safe, meaningful, and responsible use of technology. This policy applies to all members of the school community (including staff, students, volunteers, parents/carers, and visitors) who have access to and are users of school ICT systems.It is essental that our community is aware of protocols for safe, meaningful, and responsible use of technology. This policy applies to all members of the school community (including staff, students, volunteers, parents / carers, visitors) who have access to and are users of school ICT systems • Read the full document.

Safe Recruitment & Hiring Policy

This policy serves as a guide to recruitment standards at St. Nicholas School, in both sites, Pinheiros and Alphaville. St Nicholas School is committed to the safety and protection of children and all members of our school community. The Code applies to all faculty, staff, employees and volunteers who represent the school and who interact with children or young people in both a direct and/or unsupervised capacity • Read the full document.


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